San Diego Jazz Bar
One Night, The Best of San Diego Jazz in The Best Clubs in San Diego, No Driving: It's the Inaugural KSDS Jazz Club Caravan! Tuesday, August 30th from 6-10PM and it's a guaranteed great time. Tickets are only $15 per person ($12 for current KSDS members) but you must make your reservation right away by calling 619-388-3743. Tickets will be sold for $20 at the door
What Is The KSDS Jazz Club Caravan?
Simply put: The KSDS Jazz Club Caravan is a bus tour of all the great jazz clubs in San Diego! You and a guest will enjoy a variety of jazz performances at the best jazz clubs in the area, such as Dizzy's, Bouree, Solare, Panama 66 and so many more. You choose which club is best for you to start from, and park your car there. You can stay as long or as little as you like at that club, then step outside and pick up the bus for the next stop on the route. The buses run every 15 minutes. You will eventually end up where you started! Then you get in your car and go home! Food and beverages will be available at each club, but they are not included in the premium. However, as there is no minimum to meet at any of the clubs, you can choose when and if you want to eat or drink!
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KSDS Jazz 88.3 is a non-profit 501c3 organization, a part of the San Diego City College District.is a service of