Olive Cafe San Diego
San Diego, CA 92109
The place is pretty small, but the ambience is nice and casual. They service breakfast foods and lunches. Their beverage assortment was pretty nice also; however, I just got an acai bowl for $6.45 (+50¢ for coconut). It was super good and the employees were SO KIND and welcoming. MOST DEF RECOMMEND if you're in the area!!
This place was just OK, we were expecting a lot more. Slow service, ok food. Nothing bad at all but just not spectacular. Don't think this will be a regular spot for us when in the area.
We have a meeting in Mission Beach today so decided to stop by this little cafe. You order/pay at the counter and then find a seat inside or outside. It is very "cozy" I would say. Not a ton of space but enough for where you can eat comfortably. Breakfast burrito (w no beans) - We have gotten a few breakfast burritos lately and this has been my favorite so far. The burrito had a ton of flavor and the bacon and hash browns were nicely crisp. All the flavors were on point and went so well together. Breakfast Quesadilla - This was okay. Imagine a quesadilla but stuffed with bacon, bell peppers, and mushrooms. I felt like the flavors fell a little flat on this one but maybe it was because I ate it after the burrito. Salsa - The salsa here tasted very fresh. I liked it! Thin Mint Mocha - 'Tis the season of Girl Scout cookies! This tasted like the name...thin mints and mocha. Overall, I would recommend this place for their burrito. It would be perfect to pick up and walk to the beach if there were no seats available during the busy summer months.
This place was alright, can't say that I was all that impressed. Unless you have dined here before or are otherwise in-the-know, this place isn't straightforward as far as informing newcomers how to place their orders. Basically, you get in line at the cash register and place your order there, pre-pay for your food/drinks, then sit at any available table of your choosing and wait for the staff to bring you your order. We were unaware of the ordering process as there was no sign and we saw a couple of staff members walking about waiting on tables, so we assumed it was like any other sit-down restaurant where someone would eventually take your order. It was only after fifteen minutes of impatiently waiting that we were finally able to flag someone down, who then explained how the restaurant worked. It was slightly irritating; how hard is it to make an "order at the register" sign, or SOMETHING, so that newcomers are aware and aren't wasting any of their time? Anyway, once we were aware of the process, we were able to place our orders smoothly and the rest of our day there was pleasant enough. It's a nice location near the water with an outdoor eating patio. The patio has a few umbrellas which provides shade and the cool ocean breeze ensures that it doesn't get too hot. Food was.kinda meh, for me. I got their pancakes which I found to be a little on the rubbery, dry side. The maple syrup helped, but not much. Luckily, the food is not all that expensive, otherwise I would have felt cheated. Their Americano coffee was quite good, I would definitely go back for the coffee if nothing else. Overall, my experience here was just okay. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. Service was pleasant and quick, prices were great, location is awesome, food is sub-par, organization needs a little work. I'm not sure if we'll be back, but I will update my review if we go again and our experience is much different.
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