24 Hour Pizza San Diego
The owner eddie is one of the most down to earth individuals I've ever encountered. I lost my cell phone, and I had a good idea it was in my vehicle, so I had to find someone to call it, I went inside to ask for assistance, he could have said no, been selffish, and been on his way, but he went outside his store and helped out. So I returned his kindness by trying out the food. Being chinese, and having worked at domino's pizza for 4 years as a shift manager, and delivering pizzas on a bicycle in downtown San Diego, Pizza Hut in Mayport FL and Chula Vista CA for 1 year as a driver, Papa Johns for 1 year as a driver, and Broadway Pizza years ago as a cook, I have a pretty good idea what good pizza is, and I am also vegetarian. The pizza is fantastic, their is fresh, made to order and also pizza already made for fast service. They also have other foods and salads besides pizza. If you want down to earth, friendly stellar service, and great food, look no further. This is the place for you! From 1 to 10, I give it a 9.8. I will make YouTube movies later on this business and other businesses. I am also a former professional secret shopper/mystery shopper, I used to write reports for hours on the service of businesses, employees, almost like restaurant impossible, mystery diners and bar rescue, so I know good service when I see it, and if the employees actually care, were human, we make mistakes, I attempt to remain objective and fair. And the customer isn't always right, credit where credit is due. I don't do or care for typing, email, text, and here are just a few reasons why below. "Rules are flawed, as flawed as the people and ignorant fools that make them." - intellectualgivers "Freedom of expression, freedom of speech overrides most rules." - intellectualgivers "People want to attempt to sound sophisticated and smart when they sound smug and petty." - intellectualgivers "Religious people try to impose their ignorant close minded foolish flawed morality on others, not knowing any better, nothing more nothing less." - intellectualgivers "A party is like a religion, it straight jackets your mind." Jack Kevorkian May 26, 1928 - Present (age 82) Pontiac, Michigan, U.S. "All the big powers they've silenced me. So much for free speech and choice on this fundamental human right." - Doctor Jack Kevorkian May 26, 1928 - Present (age 82) Pontiac, Michigan, U.S. "You got every right in the world to do and say what you want, as long as you don't harm or threaten anybody or any property" - Doctor Jack Kevorkian May 26, 1928 - Present (age 82) Pontiac, Michigan, U.S. "email, instant messenger and typing inpersonalizes effective communication between people. You do not see there face, you do not know there mannerisms, the sound or tone of there voice. It is substandard communication, and the anonymity of the internet and email has virtually made it impossible for old fashioned personalized effective communication." "It is not the greatest thing since sliced bread." - intellectualgivers "My take on email and typing. The biggest problem I see is being ignored. People can be narcissistic, flatulent, arrogant, condescending, aristocratic, or all of the above. There is nothing more wrong than sending someone a communication via e-mail, you are articulate, like to express yourself fully, taking the time to write the e-mail, sending it, expecting a reply, then never getting one." - intellectualgivers "Hell, there are no rules here, we are trying to accomplish something." - Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 - October 18, 1931)