San Diego Pizza Company

Super Bowl Segment on Fox 5 San Diego
Appearance on Fox 5 San Diego
Union Tribune San Diego – Voted top 5 and #1 for Mobile Pizza
Revolt Magazine
Some Great Coverage by Suds and Grub Show
Charity Event for Phoenix Patriot Foundation
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 552 Finds a New Organization to Support
The San Diego Pizza Company, owned by JT and Gina Meadows (she is a Unit 552
member) recently held a fundraiser to benefit the Phoenix Patriot Foundation. “The mission
of the Phoenix Patriot Foundation is to provide direct support to severely wounded veterans,
enabling them to fully recover, reintegrate and remain engaged in serving America.” This
organization individually tailors programs to help these veterans identify a new passion in life
and build new skill sets. At least 90% of all funds collected go directly to serving veterans;
services include coaching, mentoring, educational opportunities, and job searching.
Twelve of our members were on hand at VFW Post 5985 in Pacific Beach to support this
fundraiser; and we also donated money. JT and Gina paid for all expenses (unlimited delicious